What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Matt is joined by his Uncle Gerry for a discussion about one of their common interests, and that’s Star Wars! They rank the Star Wars films from least favorite to favorite on this week’s list!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Season 3 kicks off with a long one, as Matt is joined by Nick Ferry for the most unique list yet! A Top 10 Random Discussion Topics episode, dubbed, The “Seinfeld” List, in honor of the great sitcom that featured random topics!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Season 2 of ESL comes to an end with this episode! Matt records solo, and takes a serious approach to this list, and discusses some of the things that he has learned, about himself and about life, in a Top 20 List!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Brian joins the 4-time guest club as he and Matt make Top 10 Arcade Video Games Lists!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Andrew is back for another list episode, and this week, he and Matt give their Top 10 Lists of what they would spend their lottery winnings on, if they ever won! What would you buy if you won the lottery?
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
As we all live in the COVID era, one of our favorite past times has gone away in the movie theater. Going to a theater to watch a big release brought about a special feeling and vibe to watching any movie, and with first time guest Anthony Mullen AND 4-time guest Chris Chavez, hosts of Chris and Anthony Just Can’t Stop, they discuss their personal favorites! What are yours?
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Andrew Lenz of “Let’s Talk But No Politics, Okay?” returns to join Matt in a Top 10 Closed Businesses List. The two revisit some memories from growing up in Western New York and some old stores and locations that they miss!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
It’s the best time of year for Pro Wrestling fans, as the Road to Wrestlemania is underway! On this episode, Matt is joined by Todd for a Top 10 List of Wrestlemania Matches!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Matt is joined by his former Media Productions teacher Rich for a Top 10 list of bad sports team names!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Minor Inconveniences. Pet Peeves. Tomato, ToMAto. Same difference, but Matt is joined by friend and first time guest Nick Wojton for a Top 10 of those little annoying things that aren’t actually the biggest of deals in the grand scheme of things!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Another first time guest joins Matt for a pseudo-road trip and a Top 10 as they discuss their favorite tv shows that put them in a good mood!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Matt is joined by Network Owner, former guest, and host of History Creeps and many other shows, Christopher Chavez for a unique list involving modern tech! They make a Top 10 list about their favorite phone apps! What are yours?
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Season 2 continues as Matt is joined by his younger brother Mark-Angelo for a List of their favorite Comic Book Movies!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
We are back for another season, and 16 straight weeks of your favorite list making show! For our Season 2 Debut, Matt is joined by Ryan of The 2-pt Conversation, Crafting and Drafting and Processing the Process Podcasts for a Top 10 List of their favorite Pokemon! Enjoy!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Happy Holidays to you all! Before Season 2 gets underway for Eat Sleep List, Matt has another Holiday Special for you! Joined by Brian of Crafting and Drafting, Processing the Process and The 2-pt Conversation, they come up with Top 10 Lists of their favorite Christmas Gifts ever received!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
There’s no tricks here, but a treat is in store! It’s Halloween, and Matt decided to surprise everyone with an episode! He is joined by Brian of Crafting and Drafting, Processing the Process, and The 2-pt Conversation, for a candy list! Their Top 10 Favorite and Top 10 Least Favorite Candy to get while Trick or Treating!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
All good things come to an end, but luckily, great things (this podcast) will return! It is the end of Season 1 for Eat Sleep List, and we’ll return on January 8th for Season 2!
Our Season Finale has Chris Chavez returning to guest, as he and Matt discuss the Top 10 songs that got them through high school!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
Everybody has bought something that they regret. Some, more than others. On our 2nd to last episode of Season 1, Matt’s best friend Vince joins him to discuss some of the worst things that they’ve spent money on, often times, together!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
For many, toys were the ultimate creative stimulative during childhood! before cell phones, video games and computers, toys helped time go by, and let you continue the adventures of your favorite tv shows. On this episode, Andrew Lenz of The 2-pt Conversation and Let’s Talk, But No Politics, Okay?, joins Matt for a Top 10 List of Favorite Toy Lines from their respective childhoods!
What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.
If you would have told people when the first Funko Pop’s came out, that they would be as valuable and collectible as they are today, many would have called you a liar. However, Matt is joined by someone who figured it out early on, and has amassed quite the collection. Matt’s childhood friend and neighbor Erik joins him for a Top 10 Funko Pop List on this weeks pseudo road trip!