BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 86 - IT

Happy Halloween Everyone, This Month Andrew and Jack take a look at the 1990 TV mini-series IT by Stephen King. Join Them as they talk about things that confused them and also listen to hear what Andrew's favorite part was.

Episode 85 - Frightening Games

This month for video game Talk with Andrew and Matt, we explore the spooky and creepy side of video games by talking about our favorite scary games. We talk about the classics on Nes to what we play today that might freak out or give us goosebumps

Episode 84 - Halloween Specials

Join Andrew and Marli as they discuss their favorite Halloween Specials from past and present. Andrew talks about how one Disney special made a lasting impression on him and, Marli Tells everyone which Halloween special she has downloaded on her phone.

Episode 83 - Horror Movies

This week Andrew and Bryce Benjamin talk about horror movies. Join Andrew and Bryce as they discuss watch movies that messed them up as kids. Which movies mean something to them today and the difference between horror movies back then and now.

Episode 79 - Tribute to Mom

Welcome to Let’s Talk, but No Politics, Okay? Andrew Lenz brings a new, solo podcast to the Network on which he discusses life experiences around pop culture. He talks about toys, video games, movies and many more aspects of his upbringing in an effort to tickle the nostalgia bone!

This week Andrew pays tribute to his first guest and mom how recently passed away by rereleasing his 2nd episode ever Toy Story with mom.

Check out the show on BICBP-RADIO.COM

Episode 78 - Nicktoons

Welcome to Let’s Talk, but No Politics, Okay? Andrew Lenz brings a new, solo podcast to the Network on which he discusses life experiences around pop culture. He talks about toys, video games, movies and many more aspects of his upbringing in an effort to tickle the nostalgia bone!

This week Andrew and Bryce Benjamin talk about Nicktoons. They talk about what made Nicktoons so special to us and, in the end, we put we go over who would be on our Mount Rushmore.

Check out the show on BICBP-RADIO.COM

Episode 77 - Interview with a Vampire

Welcome to Let’s Talk, but No Politics, Okay? Andrew Lenz brings a new, solo podcast to the Network on which he discusses life experiences around pop culture. He talks about toys, video games, movies and many more aspects of his upbringing in an effort to tickle the nostalgia bone!

Welcome back to the monthly movie review and the band is back together to take a look at Interview with the Vampire. Andrew, Jack and, Marli talk about how they feel about the movie and also add a new question "Which question would you like to play?"

Check out the show on BICBP-RADIO.COM