BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 93 - BEARSTOCK '83: Three Days of Peace, Love, and Bullsh*t

We’re deep into spooky season and we’re so jacked up on reboots we can BEAR-ly contain ourselves! That’s right, OCTOBEAR rages on as we give you poignant, insightful reviews of HELLRAISER (2022), HALLOWEEN ENDS, and our usual slew of teasers, trailers, and titillations! Then we take to the woods to explore the epic tale of a burly lumberjack and his lifelong killer vendetta against any and all unwary ursids—it’s 1983-2021’s “GRIZZLY II: THE REVENGE”! After almost 40 years of post production it has to be good, right?…RIGHT?! HAPPY HALLOWEEN, BEAR BUSTERS!