BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 99 - The Comeback King of Klopchek Court

DTS is back after our most controversial (and successful!) last episode, and we’re ready to celebrate FELDMARCH! That’s right, it’s an entire month (give or take a few weeks) entirely devoted to the fabulous frog brother, the glorious goonie, the manic-moonwalker, the Jason-killer, and supposedly one of the fucking ninja turtles… our personal favorite Corey… it’s FELDMAN!

But first we’re bringing you all the news, trailers, teasers, and tidbits you can handle! That’s why people listen to us right? RIGHT?!

Our Feature Feldview is the 1989 Feldsterpiece “THE ‘BURBS”, starring Tom “Not-Corey” Hanks and Corey “Not-Haim” Feldman. If you thought the last episode was incredible (it was), get ready for a full on Feld-manic meltdown of suburban proportions!