BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 48 - The Dream Super Powers List

Dan and Matt are joined by Dan’s brother Ben, and cousin Tyler (hosts of What’s Going On? with Ben and Tyler) for a list filled with imagination. Capitalizing off of their recent journey into comic books, the four of them list their Top 10 Dream Super Powers.

Episode 39 - Matt's Top 20 Bucket List...List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Matt flies solo for this mid - season episode and lists 20 things that he wants accomplish in life before he kicks the bucket! What are yours?

Episode 37 - The Pro Wrestling CHAMpionships List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Christian Ham, creator of the Push Start Media Network and CHAMpions Must Dye Custom Clothing for a list of their favorite Pro Wrestling Championship Belts!

Order from his website:

Check out his Network at

Episode 36 - The Movie Battle/Fight List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Dan Torres from Your Average, Ordinary joins Matt for a Top 10 List of their favorite movie action/fight sequences!

Episode 35 - The Cryptids List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Johnny Townsend from History Creeps, Retro Blissed, Retro Pop and more returns to ESL to join Matt in a Top 10 list of their favorite cryptids!

Episode 34 - The People We'd Love to Interview List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Matt and Andrew make a Top 10 List of people, celebrities, athletes and more, who they would love to interview for podcasts!

Episode 33 - The Sandwich List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Matt is joined by cousin “Digg” Hoffman for a Top 10 Listing of their favorite sandwiches!

Episode 32 - The "Places We've Been" List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Brian from “The 2-pt Conversation”, “Processing the Process” and “Crafting & Drafting” joins Matt for a Top 10 List about cities and places that they’ve been!

Episode 31 - The TV and Movie Video Games List

What's the best part of road trips? Is it the destination? Maybe… but, in Matt Johnson's case, it's passing the time while on the road, and making lists happens to be one way of doing it! Join Matt as he makes lists to strike up conversations on Eat. Sleep. List.

Following up to last week’s episode of “Let’s Talk, But No Politics, Okay?”, Matt is joined by Andrew Lenz for a Top 10 of their favorite video games licensed from tv shows and movies!