Episode 25 - Saturday Sessions - Ep 15 - The Mage's Krutch
Welcome to the table and we hope you enjoy the show as Dungeon Master Anthony brings some friends together for a new campaign of Dungeons & Dragons. Our party, now growing with the additions of Finks and Azoth Forestwind, are confronted by the local guard and find themselves aligned with common interest...
You can find our merch table at: https://pod-casters-tabletop-gaming.myteespring.co
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Email: @podcasterstabletopgaming@gmail.com
Dungeon Master for this session Dungeon Master Anthony.
Danny as Howard Phillips
Twitter: @PodcasterH
Instagram: @ratphincarts
Ricky as Remus
Twitter: PodcastersRemus
Everywhere else: @rick_coates
Mark as Azoth
Twitter: @PodcastersAzoth
Instagram: @the.mark.716
Tony as Finks
Twitter: @PodcastersFinks
Instagram: @phoenixforged