BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 66 - Roll for Wisdom with Azoth and Finks

Episode 66 - Roll for Wisdom with Azoth and Finks
Anthony Mullen/Tony Berrafato/Mark Warner II

Welcome to another episode of Roll for Wisdom, this week instead of an episode of our cast of the Faybala Five, Anthony sits down to talk to Mark and Tony about their experiences with dungeons and dragons, their characters, and have the opportunity to ask questions to the....Dungeon Master!

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Dungeon Master Anthony.
Danny as Howard Phillips
Twitter: @PodcasterH
Instagram: @ratphincarts
Ricky as Remus
Twitter: PodcastersRemus
Everywhere else: @rickcoates
Mark as Azoth
Twitter: @PodcastersAzoth
Instagram: @the.mark.716
Tony as Finks
Twitter: @PodcastersFinks
Instagram: @phoenixforged