BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 71 - The Faybala Five - Ep 34 - A Card Reading for The Five

Welcome to the table and we hope you enjoy the show as Anthony brings some friends together for a campaign of Dungeons & Dragons. Everyone remembers their first time visiting the Vistani in Barovia right? Oh and why is Morgor here again?

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Make sure to FOLLOW our sponsor for the stream, DCT Industries at:

Dungeon Master Anthony.
Danny as Howard Phillips
Twitter: @PodcasterH
Instagram: @ratphincarts
Ricky as Remus
Twitter: PodcastersRemus
Everywhere else: @rickcoates
Mark as Azoth/Maximus
Twitter: @PodcastersAzoth / @PodcasterMadMax
Instagram: @the.mark.716
Tony as Finks
Twitter: @PodcastersFinks
Instagram: @phoenixforged
Jeff as Morgor
Instagram: @dct_industries