BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Retro Blissed Episode 150 - E.T. Atari 2600

What better way to celebrate the 150th episode of Retro Blissed than to play the game most blamed for the video game crash of the 1980s and the downfall of Atari? The guys put E.T. to the test and tell you if it really is the “worst game of all time.” But this is episode 150, so the fun doesn’t end there! The second half of the show is “Dante’s Inferno: the 9 Circles of Canned Meat Hell!” Warning: if you can’t stand the sound of men chewing gross food on the microphone or the sound of possible vomiting, skip the second half of the show. Here’s to 150 more.

Trevor Franklin retroblissed
Johnny Townsend johnnyism28

Trevor Franklin @retroblissed
Johnny Townsend @johnnyism