BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 28 - The Evolution of Batman

Comic book talk is back! Join Matt Johnson, Chris Gullo and Graig Knowlton  for a weekly "table for 3" on comic books and the culture around them! Listen in as all three give their different takes, points of view, and interests in an all new, all original podcast.

One aspect of story telling that never grows old and stale, and helps a character stay fresh and interesting is growth. Characters can evolve over time, while maintaining familiar qualities over the duration of their existence. It makes for interesting Comic Book Discussions, like this episode entails.

Our choice today, is The Batman, debuting in 1939, Bruce Wayne and Batman have long been one of a handful of most recognized super heroes. Non-Comic Book fans could pick him out of a crowd. Incredibly popular, and if anyone has read a modern comic of him, know how complex of a character he is. Johnny Townsend joins for this episode, and alongside Matt and Graig, read stories from different time periods of Batman’s publication history and pick out noticeable differences and similarities between eras.

Theme music by Kevin Bennett - Instagram: 8thavebeats

Find us on the web and social media:

Matt Johnson                @maverickmattmultimedia
Chris Gullo                    @chrisgullo
Graig Knowlton             @instaaslamm

The Panel Discussion @thepaneldiscussion