BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 42 - Expendable Assets

Comic book talk is back! Join Matt Johnson and Graig Knowlton  for a weekly discussion on comic books and the culture around them! Listen in as all three give their different takes, points of view, and interests in an all new, all original podcast.

The idea of putting together a group of typical antagonists, and making them the protagonists of a story was an incredibly unique concept back in 1987. DC did it though, and it worked very well. Organized by Amanda Waller, and their regular Field Leader, Rick Flag Jr, the team has utilized many villains in the DC Universe over the years to do a little bit of good.

In this week’s episode, Matt and Graig read and review some Suicide Squad titles, featuring very different teams, missions and stories.

Theme music by Kevin Bennett - Instagram: 8thavebeats

Find us on the web and social media:

Matt Johnson                @maverickmattmultimedia
Chris Gullo                    @chrisgullo
Graig Knowlton             @instaaslamm

The Panel Discussion @thepaneldiscussion