BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Episode 51 - Happy Panel-versary

Comic book talk is back! Join Matt Johnson and Graig Knowlton  for a weekly discussion on comic books and the culture around them! Listen in as the duo give their different takes, points of view, and interests in an all new, all original podcast.

One year ago, Graig proposed the idea of The Panel Discussion to Matt and former co-host Chris Gullo to bring a comic book based podcast to life. Here we are, a year later, and we have all evolved as comic book readers and have grown exponentially. Hundreds of comics reviewed, characters met and so much more in between. In this episode, Matt and Graig pick each other’s titles to read. Listen to see what books they chose for each other, and how they were scored!

Theme music by Kevin Bennett - Instagram: 8thavebeats

Find us on the web and social media:

Matt Johnson                @maverickmattmultimedia
Graig Knowlton             @instaaslamm

The Panel Discussion @thepaneldiscussion