BICBP Productions

Podcasts for Everyone

Retro Blissed Episode 157 - Donkey Kong Country 3

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble is the final game in the Super Nintendo trilogy. Coming out in 1996, after the N64 released, this game has gained a reputation as the black sheep of the DKC trilogy. Does it deserve that reputation? Listen for the full review, a bliss quiz, and 45 minutes of the guys yet again trying strange and possibly gross foods on air, this time from Asian countries. WARNING:DISGUSTING CHEWING SOUNDS AND DRY HEAVING BEGINS AFTER GAME REVIEW. SQUEAMISH LISTENERS BEWARE.

Trevor Franklin retroblissed
Johnny Townsend johnnyism28

Trevor Franklin @retroblissed
Johnny Townsend @johnnyism