Episode 21 - The Boston Guido
Nico Toliano brings his Wooden Spoon brand to the Network with his new podcast, "The Sit Down." On the show, Nico takes a seat with other distinguished Italian and Italian-Americans to talk about their lives, what it means to be Italian, their traditions, and much more!
Nico Sit's Down with The Boston Guido!
They talk about how their Christmas and New Year's went, their plans for 2021, how the Old School guys can benefit from social media, and why it's important for the young people to participate in their Italian Federations and help out with ongoing traditions.
Follow the Boston Guido on Instagram @TheBostonGuido
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Also if you are a small business ready to grow your online presence in the new year email Nico at TheWoodenSpoonMedia@Gmail.com
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