Episode 11 - A Rather Sweet Episode
Comic book talk is back! Join Matt Johnson, Chris Gullo and Graig Knowlton for a weekly "table for 3" on comic books and the culture around them! Listen in as all three give their different takes, points of view, and interests in an all new, all original podcast.
Matt and Graig are joined this week by friend and comic book aficionado Rob Sweet for this week's edition of The Panel Discussion! They review the following titles:
The Best of Street Fighter #2 (September 1993)
Justice League Odyssey #2 (October 2018)
The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling (October 2018)
X:Men Black Juggernaut #1 (October 2018)
Birthright #1 (Oct 2014)
The Realm #10 (October 2018)
Theme music by Kevin Bennet - Instagram: 8thavebeats
Find us on the web and social media:
Matt Johnson @maverickmattphotography
Chris Gullo @chrisgullo
Graig Knowlton @instaaslamm